Monday, October 5, 2020

Yucca elephantipes ‘Variegata’ (YaK-uh) (ellah-fan-Tie-peas)

 Yucca elephentipes 'Variegata'

An ornamental and essential part of interiors and exteriors of a home, where people love to grow oxygen and accent. Offers food in the form of flower and fruit and has roots of medicinal values. Belongs to Agavaceae family. USA Hardiness Z( 9-11). 

May gain a height of 20- 30 feet. A low maintenance plant which likes sandy soil with good drainage may add perlite or pebbles for passage of water. Average water requirement when soil gets dried both for potted and garden Yuccas. 

A beautiful fragrant bloom surmounts the top, 
when plant is 8-10 feet tall. 
It is edible in salads form, has calcium and potassium.

Prune dead brown, black leaves.
Use gloves and goggles against sharp blades and tips.

Health not affected by disease/ pests.
Drought tolerance is high. 

At night Flowers emit a fragrance to attract Yucca moth.
Its useful for plant's health and is a pollinator too.

Needs pruning for better structure and training.
Propagation is by cutting of any size and through sucker

May you enjoy reading and viewing. Try this useful plant.

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