Friday, October 30, 2020

Oxalis triangularis, Love Plant

Oxalis triangularis. Commonly called false shamrock, purple shamrock or Love Plant. It belongs to Oxalidaceae family. USA Hardiness zone-  (8a–11). Height - 6 to 12 inches. Photophilic- close flowers and leaves with light.  

Adapt well to indoor conditions and thrive year round. Incredibly long lived, "heirloom plants“ change hands with generation. Natural toxicity, keep away pets and small animals. Deep pots are better, no other plant be co- located in same pot.

Growth from bulbs/ corm and root division. Light water is needed, once after 2 weeks, even less during winters. Indoor sunny spot. More water takes to dormancy. Dry the dormant plant, when first leaf appear restart watering. 

Requires bright to medium  indirect light,
(east window best).

Three-piece purple/ burgundy leaves.
Too much sun can burn the leaves. 

Low-maintenance houseplants.

Super simple to plant and grow.

Deep pots are better.

 Flowers are white in color.  

Delightful addition to indoors. 

Please enjoy reading, viewing and rearing the plant for next generation as a treasure. All photos have been taken by me. 

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