Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Terminalia chebula- Hareer Tree

Terminalia chebula

  • Botanical name is Terminalia chebula. English name is Chebulic Myroblan or Myrobalan.  Other names are Harada, Harida and Harar.  Urdu name is Hareer. It thrives well in Lahore.(USA Hardiness Zone 10). High medicinal value is associated to this tree. Belongs to Combrataceae family. 

Can grow up to 60 feet. Photo by Rashad. 

Bloom dull white spike. Photo by Rashad. 

Unripe green fruit. Photo by Rashad. 

Leaves. Photo by Rashad. 

Trunk. Photo by Rashad. 

Tree Jinnah Garden.Photo by Rashad. 

Spikes not fully bloomed. Photo by Rashad. 

Under the tree. Photo by Rashad. 

Blooming spikes tan in color. 
Photo by Rashad. 

Another view of tree. Photo by Rashad. 

  • Enjoy viewing photos and reading dear readers!


  1. Where we get plants of this tree

  2. Your website contains such valuable information. I wish more people grow interest in trees.
