Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Barringtonia Tree- Strings of Red Beads - Samandar Phull

Barringtonia acutangula

  • Botanical name is Barringtonia acutangula. Common names are Freshwater Mangrove, Indian Oak and Indian Putat. Local name is Samandar Phull. Grows in Lahore (USA Hardiness Zone 9a-10b). Belongs to Lecythidaceae family. Has many medicinal uses.  

Reddish drooping string of flowers.
Photo by Rashad.

Can attain a height of 30 feet.
Photo by Rashad.

Can grow under sun and partial shade.
Photo by Rashad.

Seeds are poisonous. Photo by Rashad.

Changing leaf colors in April. Photo by Rashad. 
Real add of colors to any landscape.
Photo by Rashad.

Place along avenues and canal banks. Photo by Rashad.

Reddish strings. Blooms early summer,
summer or early fall. Photo by Rashad.

Reddish and longish flowering beads. Photo by Rashad.

Leaves simple, alternate, clustered to the tip of branchlets.
Photo by Rashad.

  • Enjoy viewing photos and reading, dear readers!

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