Sunday, November 17, 2013

Caranda- Fruit is ripe! Have it.

Carissa (kar Essa) Caranda, Bengal Currant,  Karanda 

  • It is a common plant and people have been using its fruit in various foods specially in jam and jellies. At nursery it is known as Karanda Phull (fruit) wala. It thrives well in Lahore (US hardiness Zone 9b- 11). It belongs to Apocynaceae family.
  • The other day i visited Allama Iqbal Museum and found Caranda laced along the wall of the compound. First the picture of museum.

Allama Iqbal Museum- Javed Manzal.  Photo Rashad 13 Nov 2013.
The National Poet stayed here May 35 till death 21 Apr 1938.

Rosy pink fruit along with ripe and dried black currants.
 Photo Rashad 13 Nov 13.

Can attain a height from 8 to 20 feet.
Photo Rashad 13 Nov 13

Nature is all about colors. Worth Painting. Photo Rashad 13 Nov 13

Color of currants. A good source of antioxidants.
Photo Rashad 13 Nov 13
Grows well in sun and partial shade. Ever green.
Photo Rashad 13 Nov 13

Left the premises with the thought of the Thinker of Pakistan.
Photo Rashad 13 Nov 13
  • Enjoy the reading, readers!

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