Thursday, November 21, 2013

Bauhinia/ Kachnar- Enliven the souls with repeated Blooms

Bauhinia- Kachnar- Many colors
  • This ornamental plant is a common sight in Lahore.  It has many colors of flowers to charm you. It can be a good container plant. It belongs to Family of Caesalpiniaceae. Conducive to weather of Lahore. It is presently in bloom. Do find it for enjoyment sake. You may find Kachnar at a vegetable shop.

Sending the best to others. A common name is Orchid Tree.
Photo by Rashad 

Has medicinal value for humans.
 Leaves as a fodder for domesticated animals.
Yet coloring sky, souls and earth beneath. Photo by Rashad
Pick the buds and find a good ingredient for your food. Kachnar curry.
Photo by Rashad
Pink color. Both evergreen and deciduous varieties.
 Photo by Rashad. 

Notice the color. Can grow in sun and partial shade. Photo by Rashad.

Add ornaments to the house and delight for the passers by.
Attains a medium height 15- 20 ft. Photo by Rashad

Swinging the open sky. Flowering now is of  late summer/ early fall.
Photo by Rashad. Nov 2013.

On left is a melange of Bauhinia pink mixed with Bougainvillea. Right shoulder is matched by Buddah tree.
Enjoyment for Nature Lovers. Jinnah Garden, Photo by Rashad. 
Another view of mauve flower. Beautifies the golf courses.
Photo by Rashad.
Will bring butterflies, birds and bees to you. Photo by Rashad.

  • Happy reading and viewing,   folks!

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